Internet Services Lake Atitlan
Internet Services Lake Atitlan for travelers, those working remotely can be a challenge to find reliable Internet and WiFi, I offer my way.
Supporting Artisan Women in Central America
Supporting Artisan Women, Ethical Fashion Guatemala Textile Sourcing Guatemala is the single source for a wide range of handmade products.
Mayan Culture Natural Medicines | Plant-based Treatments
For the last 16 years, we offered introductions to the Mayan Culture Natural Medicines | Plant-based Treatments for those serious about taking care of their mind and bodies naturally. Working directly with Mayan Priests, Shaman and Healers we gained even more knowledge of the healing powers of the Mayan People.
Semana Santa Making Alfombras
Semana Santa. Making Alfombras during Holy Week in Guatemala. Guatemala participates in religious processions and ceremonies using Alfombras
Ayahuasca use in Guatemala
Ayahuasca use in Guatemala Tourism: Ayahuasca tourism become increasingly popular in Guatemala. Ayahuasca have been overtaken by profiteers.
Ethical Fashion Guatemala Provides Access to Global Markets
Ethical Fashion Guatemala (EFG) developed Express Shipping Services for the 600,000 Mayan Artisan families living around Lake Atitlan. When the Guatemalan postal system collapsed in 2016, Weavers of the country’s $68 million handicraft export market seemed destined to economic ruin.
Lake Atitlan Mayan Artists
Lake Atitlan Mayan Artists
Lake Atitlan, located in the Guatemalan Highlands, is a source of inspiration for many artists who seek to capture the beauty and cultural richness of the region. Paintings inspired by Lake Atitlan often showcase the stunning natural scenery, traditional Mayan culture, and the vibrant colors that characterize the area.
Lake Atitlan Plastic Trash into Cash
Lake Atitlan Plastic Trash into Cash. Plastic Trash is present around the shorelines, roads, and villages of Lake Atitlan causing a pending environmental disaster. For years studies have been conducted by Orgs, Groups and NGO’s about this problem, the Lake is dying Plastic Trash is one, sewage, and the impact of Tourism has created an impending doom for this Lake and the tourism industry that fuels the economy.
Mayan Medicine Healing Courses
Mayan Medicine Healing Courses Guatemala 2021. A Five Day Course Covering The Six Principles of Mayan Healing Alternatives
Guatemala Alternative Medicine Two Day Workshop
Guatemala Alternative Medicine Two Day Retreat is designed to introduce you to Mayan indigenous healer’s wisdom about traditional healing herbal remedies and healing arts in, Guatemala.
Guatemala Herbal Medicine Education
Guatemala Herbal Medicine Education Ethical Fashion Guatemala offers herbal medicine education, workshops, products, and herbal courses.
Guatemala Textile Weaving Workshops
Guatemala Textile Weaving Workshops provide an authentic experience in the world of Mayan Weaving.
If you are a Fashion Designer, Tourist on Vacation, Interior Design, ETSY Store Owner, Store Front Retailer, or Fashion Wholesaler.
Guatemala Handmade Textiles Workshop
Guatemala Handmade Textiles Workshop is a rare opportunity to learn from a community of Indigenous Tz’utujil women who are living on and managing their traditional lands.
San Marcos, What Happened?
San Marcos, like most Mayan settlements on Lake Atitlan, was practically unscathed by the impact of ExPats when I first arrived 17 years ago. Unfortunately, everything has changed in terms of what San Marcos is today.
Lake Atitlan Boat Schedule
The Lake Atitlan Guatemala Boat Schedule is one of the most often asked questions by travelers to Guatemala and Lake Atitlan. A topic we have posted about often, still confusion remains for Travelers to understand how Boat Schedule operates around Lake Atitlan.