What is Guatemala Bullet Coffee?

What is Guatemala Bullet Coffee? Guatemala Bullet Coffee is a coffee experience for those who love coffee and want to add to the experience of brewing the ultimate morning cup of Joe.

There are many wild claims online about Bullet Proof Coffee, Deadliest Coffee in the world, and so on. Health benefits, their coffee has more Caffeine and special ways of coffee harvesting. I call it Bullshit Coffee.

What is Guatemala Bullet Coffee?  We call it three deadly sins Coffee, Cacao, and Vanilla.

Guatemala Bullet Coffee

Guatemala Bullet Coffee

The coffee beans used in our Bullet Coffee:

Singleorigin coffee is coffee grown within a single known geographic origin, meaning a single farm. The name of the coffee is then usually the place it was grown to whatever degree available.

Meaning we don’t mix beans and varieties from other farms.

Our washed Geisha is a VERY floral coffee with a citric finish – you will feel like you are the putting coffee flower in your mouth combined with a little bit of orange peel.

Harvest 2018-2019 Elevation: 1,200 – 1,300 MASL Process: Fully Washed, Patio Dried, Arabica shade-grown coffee’

Our washed Caturra is a great example of what Guatemalan coffee is. This coffee finished seventh in the 2018 Regional Competition cupping at 83.00 points and eighth in 2019 with a cupping score of 84.50.

It has a nice juicy body with some grapefruit and caramel flavor. This is one of those coffees where you can easily drink more than just one cup in a sitting. Harvest 2018-2019 Elevation: 1,400 – 1,600 MASL Process: Fully Washed, Patio Dried, Arabica shade-grown coffee.

We suggest a Medium Roast we offer or if you would like we offer Green Beans for the home roaster.

Coffee and Chocolate are a common offering by Roasters and Coffee shops throughout the world.

Guatemala Bullet Coffee is a coffee experience for those who love coffee and want to add to the experience of brewing the ultimate morning cup of Joe.

Guatemala Bullet Coffee is a coffee experience for those who love coffee and want to add to the experience of brewing the ultimate morning cup of Joe.

The Mayan Culture of Guatemala has for years, brewed coffee adding Cacao beans or Mayan Ceremonial chocolate. The Mayans consumed chocolate by first harvesting the seeds — or beans — from cacao trees. They fermented and dried them, roasted them, removed their shells, and ground them into a paste.

We offer Roasted Cacao beans or Mayan Ceremonial chocolate.

Guatemala Bullet Coffee Recipe

Guatemala Bullet Coffee Recipe

The first people to grow cacao trees were the Maya, one of the oldest civilizations on the American continent. They used the cocoa beans as a barter currency to exchange for food or clothes, as well as for preparing a bitter drink, known as Xocoatl, which was nothing like the hot chocolate that we drink today.

The world knows that Vanilla and coffee go hand in hand in any Latte.

Our Vanilla beans come from the Cobán region of Guatemala which is surrounded by mountains laden with orchids. The rare Monja Blanca orchid is the departmental symbol. Nature reserves in or near Cobán include Las Victorias National Park, San José la Colonia National Park, Laguna Lachuá National Park, and Biotopo Mario Dary Rivera. There can be found multiple caves, waterfalls, and forests, which are home to the rare Quetzal.

The Guatemala Bullet Coffee recipe is simple, add your Medium Roast Guatemala beans to your coffee grinder fill three-quarters full, fill the balance with roasted Cacao beans, grind, and brew your coffee. Take one of our Vanilla beans scrape half of a bean and add to your cup of coffee.

If you have chosen Mayan Ceremonial chocolate over roasted Cacao beans, add a half tablespoon at the same time you add the Vanilla. Always keep in mind a warmed cup is important as pouring superior coffee in a cold cup greatly affects the taste and flavor turning your delicious coffee bitter.

Some coffee marketers or hucksters claim their coffee has more Caffeine than any others do. Arabica coffee beans worldwide have no difference in the amount of Caffeine found in the beans.

The result of this unique recipe is no, you are not going to run a marathon, the truth is you will experience an explosion of flavor and tastes most have never experienced.

Coffee Harvest is beginning in Guatemala our Bullet Coffee kits will be available in a week to purchase.


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