San Lucas Tolimán

San Lucas Tolimán Unfortunately for visitors to Guatemala, San Lucas is frequently overlooked on the bucket list.

If you are sitting on the dock in Panajechel and look to your far left across the lake the two Volcanoes are Toliman on southeastern shore. If you are into birding this area has the very best. Hiking Atitlan or Toliman volcanoes is provided.

San Lucas Tolimán has a few wonderful full-service hostels. is one example. If you are looking for the chance to stay on a Coffee Finca Los Tarrales offers travelers a chance to be on a working coffee Finca with some of the very best birding in all of Guatemala.

In November 2019, Nigel Marven paid a visit to Guatemala to film our beautiful country.  We were honored to be one of the many stops along his route. Once he left he was kind enough to film this promo video for us highlighting some of his favorite things about his stay here at Los Tarrales.

The town has an amazing beach area that, on weekends, is filled with families cooking and enjoying ceviche offered by different vendors. The boat dock offers transportation to villages like San Antonio Palopo, as mentioned in our post yesterday. To contact about the services of the boat to and from San Lucas.

For information about this boat service. San Lucas Tolimán to Panajachel you can contact Marco Sulugui. 502-5596-2671 or 502-5718-7916.

San Lucas Tolimán is a municipality in the Sololá department of Guatemala. The town of 17,000 people sits on the southeastern shore of Lago de Atitlán. The population is 90–95% Highland Maya. There is a population of about the same size living in the surrounding villages.

At 1,700 meters (5,600 ft) altitude, the town offers “eternal spring” with annual temperatures ranging from 50 to 80 degrees F. The dry season runs from November through June/July (called “summer” locally) and the rainy season runs the other six months (“winter”). The area is free of malaria due to its elevation. The area’s elevation ranges from 1,562 meters (5,125 ft) along the lake to 3,144 meters (10,315 ft) at the summit of Volcán Tolimán. Volcán Tolimán is just west of town.