• Ethical Fashion Travel

    The Artisans of Ethical Fashion Guatemala have benefited by our ability to provide low-cost shipping of the Textiles, Leather bags and Yarns produced, we have shipped Guatemalan Mayan Textiles to over 130 countries.

    The Artisans of Ethical Fashion GuatemalaEthical Fashion Guatemala
  • Ethical Fashion Travel and Tours

    Ethical Fashion Guatemala began as the result of our work to protect Guatemalan Artisans Designs.

    Today we are a Global Business Exporting Artisans products, Coffee and Cacao to a world market.

    Learn about our Work with Guatemala Artisans
  • Stick Your Nose in real Guatemala Coffee

    Coffee producers worldwide suffer from the Monopoly of Corp Giants controlling coffee prices.

    With the help of Ethical Fashion Guatemala, access to Global Markets has opened up to growers.

    Today we can export one pound or 70 kilos of coffee beans to the US and Canada delivered in 4 days.

    Guatemala Coffee Plantation Tour
  • Buy direct from an Ethical Fashion Grower

    We bring Coffee and Cacao buyers from around the globe to meet with the Historical Farms dating back to the 1800s producing the amazing Arabica Coffee and Cocoa used in Chocolate Guatemala is famous for.

    Buy direct from an Ethical Fashion Grower

Female Artisans are impacted the most. FAIR Pay NOT  Unfair TRADE.

Women make up over 90% of the Artisans we work with.

You can stop the exploitation of Unfair TRADE

Buying directly from Guatemalan Artisans eliminates exploitation. The purpose of this website, connect the consumer with the creator, eliminating intermediaries.

Ethical Fashion Guatemala Travel Sourced Guatemala Coffee

Fair Trade Coffee

The purpose of this website, create consumer awareness of the problems Artisans in many countries face. Theft of Indigenous Cultural designs is destroying the lives of the producers.

Websites selling Artisan products pay the producers less than 20% of the retail value of the products they offer. Websites use photos of Artisan in poverty in order to receive donations or purchases.

Lake Atitlan Mayan Healing Herbal Medicine

The Art of Natural Healing began with the Mayan Culture hundreds of years ago.

Today only a handful of true Mayan Healers remain, Christine is one, she has an active practice in the village of San Pedro La Laguna on the shores of Lake Atitlan treating locals on a daily basis. Christine is also a midwife.

Ethical Fashion Guatemala Herbal Medicines

Learn Traditional Mayan Healing

Christine continues to insure her Mayan healing knowledge will continue with  young Guatemalan Healer, who gave up her Corporate life as an Engineer and returned to the lake to immerse herself in the Mayan Healing Culture.

If you are interested in Natural Healing, have an ailment that persists of are curious a day with Christine will introduce you to the Art of Natural Medicines.

Guatemala Herbal Medicine Workshops

Ethical Fashion Guatemala Travel, Ethical Fashion Guatemala began as the result of our work to protect Guatemalan Artisans Designs. Today we are a Global Business Exporting Artisans products, Coffee, and Cacao to a world market.

Tours and Workshops provide valuable income to the Artisans Ethical Fashion Guatemala supports.

We bring Coffee and Cacao buyers from around the globe to meet with the Historical Farms that date back to the 1800s that produce the amazing Arabica Coffee and Cocoa used in Chocolate Guatemala is famous for.

The farms now sell directly through export and marketing services provided by Ethical Fashion Guatemala.

The Artisans of Ethical Fashion Guatemala have benefited from our ability to provide low-cost shipping of the Textiles, Leather bags, and Yarns produced, we have shipped.Mayan Textiles to over 130 countries.

Ethical Fashion Guatemala Travel

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