Guatemala ATMs Are Safe to use for travelers. Years ago Antigua had an issue with Travelers having their accounts compromised when using ATMs, which has since long passed as a problem.
Throughout Guatemala, you will find ATMs readily available, even in smaller villages. However, understand you can only draw Q2000 or $260.00 US per day from ATMs.
US travelers have a tendency to bring a lot of US Dollars in hoping to exchange for Guatemala Quetzales at Guatemala Banks, not so easy.
First banks limit the amount of USD you can exchange per day, normally you can only exchange $200 per week.
Most importantly you must have clean bills, with no marks or even a small bend on the bills.
In most Tourist areas of Guatemala, there are money changers you will find on the streets, offering to exchange currency.
Their rates are on average 7.0%, you lose slightly as the normal exchange rate is 7.75%. The bills must be new without marks, like the banks.
If you do need to use a Guatemala Bank for funds or transfers, credit card payments of other, most banks are open 7 days a week with normal banking hours.
Always bring your Passport or you will find the Bank will not provide you any services. Also on major holidays, ATMs often run out of money, FYI.
Use your Foreign Credit Card to pay for Hotels, Shuttles, and Tours while in Guatemala.
You will quickly find arriving in Guatemala, Banks have armed guards out front and inside. Do not be alarmed, Guatemala never has Bank Robberies for this reason and the Bank Guards are there to assist customers only.
Always remember to notify your bank at least a week prior to landing in Guatemala that you will be traveling, or you may find your Credit Card will not work.
Guatemala Banks charge vendors high rates for Credit Card Services. 7.3% to 12.5%, which hotels and other services will add to the transactions.
Paypal for the most part does not work in Guatemala to pay for services at least for the vendor supplying the services.
Xoom works and offers the best rates if you should choose to use this, and Xoom will deposit instantly to a Guatemala Bank.
Guides and Tour Companies prefer to be paid in Quetzales.
Overall Guatemala ATMs, Banks, and currency exchange shops are a safe and reliable means to access and exchange money.
Do not exchange USD at the Guatemala Airport the rates are like 6.5%.