Lake Atitlan Dog Rescue

Lake Atitlan Dog Rescue

I was in Tzununa last week, a charming community on the banks of Lake Atitlan, looking for another cacao producer with a new acquaintance, Sonja, who had previously volunteered at a dog rescue in the village.

For those of you who have never visited Guatemala, we have a lot of street dogs. They slumber anywhere and hardly bother anyone.

There are a few dog rescue organizations around the lake that are run by mostly good-hearted people; nonetheless, I am not a fan of most of them.

Lake Atitlan Dog Rescue

Sonja requested if we may stop at a dog rescue in the hamlet.

The name of this group is Perros Libres, or Free Dogs in English, and it is run by a young man from Florida who was able to start a rescue with mostly his meager savings.

Volunteers come to help, walk the dogs, feed and love them.

There were at least 40 dogs, laying on beds like bunks all over and happy to see new people. The place is very clean, rustic would be a gift. No smell, no dogs fighting all were chill and calm.

Dogs great health and obviously well cared for.

Feeding time came around, I thought how is this going to work, one by one the dogs waited, listened and the process of feeding all of them went on with much of an event.

As I previously mentioned I am not a fan of these dog rescues. however, I felt a blog shout out, volunteers, dog lovers, go and have a visit. He could use some extra help, I was blown away.

Perros Libres, Inc.

Created in 2021.

Operating in Tzununá, Sololá, Guatemala.

Contact >

WhatsApp: +1 (954) 243-4910


Lake Atitlan Dog Rescue

The dogs most of then are ready to be adopted, even a few have gone to other countries. Check it out share this on your social media if you would not mind,