Tag Archive for: Artisans of Guatemala

Mayan Works Handmade ArtEthiical Fashion Guatemala

Mayan Works Handmade Art

Mayan Works Handmade Art. I've been confused by the fact non-profits claiming to support Mayan Art have hundreds of thousands of dollars. While the people they're supposed to help never seem to improve their lives?
Guatemalan Fair Trade BrandsEthical Fashion Guatemals

Murky Waters of Guatemalan Fair Trade Brands

Murky Waters of Guatemalan Fair Trade Brands: Elena Laswick posted this on line and asked if she would mind Ethical Fashion Guatemala helped

Tag Archive for: Artisans of Guatemala

Ethical Fashion Guatemala BlogEthical Fashion Guatemala

Ethical Fashion Guatemala Blog

Ethical Fashion Guatemala Blog provides the latest news covering Ethical Fashion in Guatemala, United States, Canada, Europe and Asia