Tag Archive for: Medical Masks

Covid-19 Order 500 Medical MasksEthical Fashion Arizona

Lake Atitlan Artisans Ship 1000 Medical Masks to Arizona.

Lake Atitlan Artisans Ship 1000 Medical Masks to Arizona. Ethical Fashion Guatemala would like to thank the Anonymous donor who purchased 1000 handmade medical masks distributed free to those in need in Arizona. The Masks donated to organizations in desperate need of help during this time of crisis-free.
Lake Atitlan Buying Medical Masks

Lake Atitlan Buying Medical Masks

Lake Atitlan Buying Medical Masks. In the village of Panajachel and others around Lake Atitlan, you will find street vendors, selling what appears to be protective Medical Masks thinking they will provide protect you from the Coronavirus Covid-19. THEY DO NOT PROVIDE ANY PROTECTION.