COVID-19 Mask Sales

COVID-19 Mask Sales Providing Income for Lake Atitlan

COVID-19 Mask Sales Providing Income for Lake Atitlan. Ethical Fashion Guatemala working with Businesses in Guatemala and other Countries continue to see sales of Masks produced by local Artisans increasing, 1000 more masks will ship to the US today.

The confusion caused by the US about the use and production of Masks for the protection from COVID-19, Ethical Fashion Guatemala has relied on their own Legal staff to evaluate the production of Masks for personal protection and for medical uses. We follow their guidelines.

Many around Lake Atitlan are not Familiar with Ethical Fashion Guatemala’s work.  Our Work started providing copyright protection for Artisans and has grown into numerous vertical markets we provide free services for individual groups in need.

COVID-19 Mask Sales is a business, not a project, development ongoing for two months in order to develop the process for production, logistics, sales, and shipping. Support from DHL Express is clear by the attached recent email from DHL.

COVID-19 Mask Sales

DHL supports the work of Ethical Fashion Guatemala

Ethical Fashion Guatemala has been exporting under our DHL contract for three years, providing shipping services worldwide for Textile Producers, Coffee, Mayan Cacao, Vanilla, and documents.

We are continuing to ship Roasted Coffee for producers around Lake Atitlan.

A special thanks to the work of Francisco Domingo Tzul Tzul, those of us who live in Pana know the family from Toto. K Frans is a well know clothing design shop on the main street of Panajachel. Francisco developed the original design for the Masks based on requirements Ethical Fashion Guatemala provided by medical experts in different countries.

Medical Masks to Arizona

Medical Masks to Arizona

Lema Weaving Co-op in San Juan is producing Masks and Rosa’s staff have geared up to meet the production demands we are experiencing. James Dillon has a long relationship with the Family over the last 11 years.

Mayan Families sowing school completed their first production run of Masks this week with 500 of the Masks shipped today to the US.

COVID-19 Mask Sales

Mayan Families Artisans deliver masks

FYI, our sewing school graduates are ecstatic to participate. 500q for 100 masks that took them about 5-10 m each to make is VITAL income for them, especially this time. They made them from the safety of their homes, with the machines that they were given after taking Mayan Families’ sew classes. If they can sell more, it will put food on their tables for weeks and months to come.

Support for this work includes Denver CO. Los Tarrales Natural Reserve, Lake Atitlan, Mayan Families, and Grupo Maya Net and the staff of Ethical Fashion Guatemala in the US, Germany, India, and Italy.

The closure of the Guatemala border has been devastating to the Tourism industry and to Lake Atitlan, this is a time we all work together to develop ideas to provide income for the community that has relied heavily on tourism for their incomes.

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