Face Protection Masks Shipping | Guatemala COVID-19 Update

Guatemala COVID-19 Update Masks made by the Textiles Artisans of Lake Atitlan Guatemala, shipped to Arizona and donated to those in need.

Who would have thought in the midst of this Pandemic and all the billion spent, a US postal worker would be wearing a mask from Guatemala to protect her.

After COVID 19

Doctors and nurses scared to come to work to treat coronavirus patients because of supply shortages

Josh Alley Thank you – we won’t let your people in but we’ll take the masks all day, undocumented masks, oh the irony.
Thanks to the generous hearts of Guatemala, I hope we learn the lesson – one humanity

Face Protection Masks Shipping

For most of us, the small villages, perched on the shores of Lake Atitlan Guatemala, wouldn’t be considered a global manufacturing hub.

But a dynamic economic sector thrives there, and in other communities throughout the remote Highland of Guatemala.

Ethical Fashion Guatemala is a sustainable enterprise providing banking, credit card processing, and shipping services for Mayan Artisans in Guatemala.

The loss of income for Lake Atitlan’s residents is similar to that of the rest of the world; here, it is devastating the Mayan community.

Many of the Lake Atitlan artisans are textile producers.

Therefore, with the help of many businesses, our artisans are now producing Covid-19 Masks for sale around the world.

We are not looking for charity; we need work and a means to create income for the region.