Sometimes bad things happen so good things can.
I looked at Kevin, my partner of seven years with absolute terror. “What do you mean it’s gone?” I ask through gritted teeth.
Our bag, full of our groceries, money, and most importantly, bank cards, was left on a numberless tuk-tuk.
As we stand in the middle of San Pedro with happy tourists and stray dogs passing by. We realize our life is at a standstill.
“I can ask Thomas, my German friend, to get money out for us. We have a German account. We can just transfer the money.” Kevin says.
“Just do what you have to do,” I whisper, my face turning white and feelings of desperation rushing through me.
I power-walk home with my daughter in my arms. No money for another 5q tuktuk. I go through the multiple options in my head, filled with anxiety about the bureaucracy we would have to face to gain access to our funds. I googled until I could google no more.
Kevin returns and I breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe he received good news from Thomas. “I’ve met a man.” “Great!” I say with added sarcasm.
“No, his name is James. He and his Partner Carlos specializes in importing important documents. We can get our bank card in 5 days maximum.”
I breathe a sigh of relief. “But who is he?”
“He’s been here for years. They know about things in Guatemala. They have multiple companies here.” Kevin replied.
Surprisingly we got our bank card without problems and in five days, just like he said.
Yet meeting James had more significance than we could have imagined. He was a dreamer, a thinker, a creator, and a natural socialite.
He would come over to our house, have a coffee and talk about life. He had been searching for someone to help with herbal tours for him for a while.
I had laughed it off for a month and asked myself, why does this seventy-plus-year-old man need my help with this? And shouldn’t he be retired by now?”
Our bank cards, was left on a numberless tuk-tuk

Surprisingly we got our bank card without problems and in five days, just like he said.

Anyway, I learned that strange things happen to strange people at strange times. We created something we never thought we could, (but not without a struggle).
To be continued…Jasmine…