Vaccinate OR NOT be Vaccinated?
Vaccinate OR NOT be Vaccinated? Growing up I was vaccinated with the MMRV vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella (chickenpox). The vaccine contains weakened forms of measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella-zoster viruses that do not cause disease.
I still have a small pot mark on my shoulder from the Chicken Pox vaccine. No debates or finger-pointing about being vaccinated when I was young, a child had to be vaccinated to attend school.
The point of this blog is why many have mixed options and why those options were formed about Vaccinate OR NOT be Vaccinated?
I feel the root of confusion and mistrust for many started months ago when the Pandemic started, miss information spread through the news media, politicians, conspiracy theories, social platforms like the pandemic itself. Wear a mask, social distance wash your hands. The Pandemic continued to grow worldwide, media overload caused us to question, the sources, changing guidelines almost weekly and the death toll continued to rise.
Today we have billions of Vaccines for Covid 19 from a variety of big Pharma, developed in record times, the first in the United Stated rolled out under armed guards for distribution.
Vaccinate OR NOT be Vaccinated?

Vaccinate OR NOT be Vaccinated?
Half the US population lined up in droves for the free shot. The other half of the US population remains skeptical about the long-term effects this vaccine may have on their bodies. Including lack of trust in the entire system, some followed conspiracy theories, a chip was going to be impacted and other ideas spread by media of all forms.
The current fear is the Delta Variant of Covid 19, a fast-spreading form of the disease. In the past weeks, as the Variant spread across the US, blame was placed on the unvaccinated for the cause of the spread. I stated at the beginning of the blog we had a chance months ago to deal with COVID 19 only if we had facts, not ever-changing guidelines, and misinformation media overload.
Vaccinate OR NOT be Vaccinated?
This past week President Biden to a shot at Facebook for allowing the spread of misinformation.12 groups the President pointed were at the root of the Inti Vaccine movement. The same groups have not only infiltrated Facebook, social media of all forms from the start of the Pandemic.
The US is in a difficult place with Covid today, how to undo the flood of misinformation that has caused half the US to not accept being vaccinated, not an easy position for President Biden to resolve as the Delta Variant take hold of the US.
Vaccinate OR NOT be Vaccinated? Vaccination is the administration of a vaccine to help the immune system develop protection from disease. Vaccines contain a microorganism or virus in a weakened, live or killed state, or proteins or toxins from the organism. In stimulating the body’s adaptive immunity, they help prevent sickness from an infectious disease.
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