Clearing Conjunctivitis With Your Own Urine!

Clearing Conjunctivitis With Your Own Urine!

In the last few months, I have suffered from conjunctivitis, numerous visits to my eye specialist, not sure if it was an allergic reaction or some kind of infection. What causes conjunctivitis? The conjunctiva can become inflamed as a result of a bacterial or viral infection – this is known as infective conjunctivitis. an allergic reaction to a substance such as pollen or dust mites – this is known as allergic conjunctivitis.

My eye specialist suggested different Western Medicines, eye drops, pills, all without any changes in my condition, I spend part of my day working online and this compounded the situation, by the end of the day, my eyes were in pain and my eyesight was blurry. Concerning.

Living in Guatemala I have become accustomed to using Mayan Medicine from Healers, Geno and Christine had provided me with cures for most of my ailments over the years. As a last resort, I asked for help from both of them. Why I waited you know being a guy that kind of thing, It will go away.

Clearing Conjunctivitis With Your Own Urine!

I finally admitted to Geno I was desperate for a Natural Medicine Treatment anything. The first word out of her mouth was use your first Urine from the morning. Hmmm. I went online and searched about this remedy, as with anything online today I found many fake cures, one article directed me to others about using your own Urine.


Clearing Conjunctivitis With Your Own Urine!

Clearing Conjunctivitis

A few drops of fresh or boiled urine into the eyes expels conjunctivitis. When lightly boiled and dissolved in honey, urine cures eye injuries. Using urine in fresh urine twice daily to massage rejuvenates and moisturizes skin, making it soft and smooth and the hair lustrous.

Clearing Conjunctivitis With Your Own Urine!

I have not tried my Urine for my skin or hair. Has it helped with my conjunctivitis, yes within a few days, my eyes have improved, I no longer wake with my eyes crusted over, and by the end of the day when my eyes were exhausted this is no longer a problem?

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