Too Late for Tourism in Guatemala?
Tourism in Guatemala? Guatemala Borders closed in March 2020 in order to manage and protect the general population from COVID-19 pandemic. Many have debated how COVOD-19 preparedness and management has protected the citizens of Guatemala and the Governments actions. This post is not about either.

Tourism in Guatemala
I feel those invested in the Guatemala Tourism industry need to have a clear perspective of what all are facing today and ahead for many years to come. Even if the borders where to open in late August or early September, I do not see Tourists arriving in droves, if any at all.
Why is simple explanations, the World Economy is one and the continuing of the Pandemic throughout the world. The USA is one of the major sources of Tourists visiting Guatemala, Unemployment is a record high, and globally the Pandemic remains a battle for many countries, even though in many the curve is under control, travel for many remains fearful.
Tourism has been the economic engine for Antigua, Lake Atitlan, and Tikal. Lake Atitlan is all Tourism, prior to the border closing 292 Hotels, Hostels, Resorts, and Spas, over 300 AIRBNBs. Shuttle services, Restaurant’s Bars, Tour Guides, Artisan workshops all closed.
For now and in the next month’s and perhaps a year, the prime Tourist destination of Guatemala will need to find a way to survive, close permanently or to find new sources of income by reinventing.
Many businesses around Lake Atitlan are hoping to survive by appealing to guests coming from Guatemala City.
We face a long haul ahead and while this post may not appear optimistic, this is a time to face reality not creams of past days of tens of thousands of tourists visiting Lake Atitlan.
Guatemala is a beautiful country full of spectacular surrounding and the most amazing culture a traveler may ever experience in time, when who knows Guatemala will welcome Tourists from around the world.
We will be there as soon as it is safe. A day doesn’t go by that my husband I don’t wish we could visit Guatemala.