Coronavirus Guatemala | Travel Updates COVID 19
Coronavirus Guatemala | Travel Updates COVID 19. At this time, there are no reported or documented cases of the Coronavirus in Guatemala. Inguat responded to the Costa Rican authorities “upon arrival in Guatemala, everyone will be received with courtesy in the migratory area, following the body temperature review protocol. You must fill out a ballot with personal information, including place of lodging, address, and telephone number”.
Coronavirus Guatemala | Travel Updates COVID 19.
President Giammatti said, “There is a new caravan. We are going to stop it at the border and everyone is going to be thoroughly reviewed. Everyone will have their temperature taken and any person who has a symptom (of coronavirus) will not let in; we will immediately expel them.”
Giammatti emphasized government efforts to reduce the likelihood of Guatemalans contracting coronavirus; Guatemala has no reported cases of COVID-19. Of the Central American countries, only Costa Rica has so far registered infections.
Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele has taken similar measures. Migrants from the nearby countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua are now required to present a passport to enter El Salvador. The precaution will document the travel history of migrants and determine if they were recently in a country that contained a case of coronavirus.
Coronavirus Guatemala | Travel Updates COVID 19.
Guatemala Ministry of Health has imposed for group events and meeting greater then 25 people they need to register with the Guatemala Ministry of health for such events.